Marilyn Monroe was born on June 1, 1926 at the General Hospital in Los Angeles, California (see birth certificate) , under the name of Norma Jeane MORTENSON . However, it is known under the name Norma Jeane Baker . Its name was chosen by his mother in reference to the actress Norma TALMADGE . Later , Marilyn Monroe delete the final "e" of " Jeane ". On birth certificate appear the names of his mother , Gladys Monroe, and the husband of the latter at the time, Edward MORTENSON Martin (1897-1981) , a Norwegian-born Californian . The couple was married Oct. 11, 1924 but was separated in May 1925 (one year before the birth of Marilyn ) MORTENSON gets divorce August 15, 1928 for " abandonment of domicile ." Although it is a legitimate child , Marilyn lifetime MORTENSON denied that either his father. As a child, his mother showed him a photograph of a man who was ...
This blog shows the personified Hollywood glamour with an unparalleled glow and energy that enamored the world.